ART&CULTURE / 2022.03.13

Vol.3 “MIRRORLIAR FILMS Season2”, Takayuki Yamada exclusive interview (2/3)

Vol.3 “MIRRORLIAR FILMS Season2” Takayuki Yamada exclusive interview

"MIRRORLIAR FILMS" is a borderless short film project created to bring the opportunity and charm of film production with the aim of discovering and fostering creators. Shinsaibashi PARCO conducted an exclusive interview with Takayuki Yamada, one of the producers and starring in Season 2 "The Little Star". When I talked, I came to see Mr. Yamada's belief in the Japanese film world.
※This article is an exclusive interview with Takayuki Yamada, out of all three parts.

  • Photo
    Yuto Yamamoto
  • Edit
    Aya Shimada (Roman Naya)
  • Text
    Naohiro Sekido

―"MIRRORLIAR FILMS" is a short omnibus work, but what is the hard thing when performing a short work?

Yamada: A movie has to create a world as if the person actually exists. In Seasons 1 and 2, I experienced short stories with Ando Gumi and Kisatoya Gumi in succession, but I need to express the life of the person who plays, which I can't draw with a 15-minute script. This is not only for the cast but also for the staff, so I felt again that I would like to try short films in the future.

―Nine works will be screened in one season, how do you decide the order of the work?

Yamada: This is a very difficult job, isn't it? The members of the "MIRRORLIAR FILMS" committee will discuss and decide, but this time, they are arranged in the order of their opinions. Abe-chan (directed by Shinnosuke Abe)'s "point" was put in the early stages because it was easy to see because the road movie started and turned off. We placed works with such movements at the entrance and arranged nine works so that people who were watching gradually were drawn in.

―It may be similar to making a CD album.

Yamada: That's right. I'm unexpectedly good at deciding the order of songs. However, at the start of the project, the works of the general public recruitment frame to be allocated to season 1-4 were decided, but I don't know the works of other directors at all. When the works came up, this time it was interesting because there were many works created under the theme of "life". The short story is hard for those who watch it, so I was quite nervous about how to arrange it.

―May I ask you more about it?

Yamada: The short works have a small amount of information in the first place, and no clear answer is presented. Not only the performers, but also the viewers have to think very much and fill the margins. Moreover, since 9 works flow in a row, I don't think you can understand just by watching it once.

―Actually, there were places where I couldn't understand even if I just watched Season 1 once.

Yamada: But I think it's very important, and I think very much if the answer is not shown. If you think about it, you will look at yourself at that time. So, instead of "difficult, I don't know", I want you to look at it many times and find the answer in your own interpretation, "Is this kind of thing?" I like that kind of movie, and I want to make a movie that 100 people watch 10 times rather than 1000 people watch it. I believe that this will lead to a higher level of the movie scene.

―How do you view the current Japanese film scene?

Yamada: I think movies have become a little sublime. Wouldn't it be nice to have an entertainment that is more familiar to life than just going shopping? I would be glad if you could watch it, find your favorite work or cast out of the nine, and enjoy one different way of enjoying the movie, such as going to Fukahori yourself.