ART&CULTURE / 2022.03.13

Vol.3 “MIRRORLIAR FILMS Season2”, Takayuki Yamada exclusive interview (3/3)

Vol.3 “MIRRORLIAR FILMS Season2” Takayuki Yamada exclusive interview

"MIRRORLIAR FILMS" is a borderless short film project created to bring the opportunity and charm of film production with the aim of discovering and fostering creators. Shinsaibashi PARCO conducted an exclusive interview with Takayuki Yamada, one of the producers and starring in Season 2 "The Little Star". When I talked, I came to see Mr. Yamada's belief in the Japanese film world.
※This article is an exclusive interview with Takayuki Yamada, out of all three parts.

  • Photo
    Yuto Yamamoto
  • Edit
    Aya Shimada (Roman Naya)
  • Text
    Naohiro Sekido

―Mr. Yamada claims the discovery and development of creators and filmmakers at "MIRRORLIAR FILMS", and also recruits works for public recruitment, but what is the true meaning?

Yamada: Now that technology is evolving rapidly, it is said that anyone can shoot movies. There are a lot of people who have made a movie for the first time by recruiting the general public, and anyway, if various expressors are born more and more, the viewer will be excited.

―How many applications did you receive for the general public?

Yamada: I sent you a total of 419 works. I had to look through all the works I sent and narrow down to 12 works, so it took a lot of time.

―It's a great number.

Yamada: I don't know where interesting people are sleeping, so I applied for a prize of 5 million yen in an easy-to-understand manner to finalize the Grand Prix in the form of a film festival. Next is Season 5 and 6…We will continue to recruit again.

―It's just about discovering creators and creating opportunities for filmmaking. Even so, the prize money is 5 million yen, which is going to be a very large film festival.

Yamada: There is also a reason for the amount, so if you get a prize, you can use it when you shoot the next work. Even if you can't become a Grand Prix, interesting works may get a voice from somewhere, and if you get a track record in that way, you may eventually take a feature film. Everyone comes up with ideas without time and money, so I would be very happy if I got caught up with something and the number of filmmakers increased.

―After listening to this story, I felt that Mr. Yamada really thought about the future of the Japanese film world. Could you give me a message to the filmmakers of the future?

Yamada: First of all, I think it's nice to try it. We are opening the door to the film industry through the activities of MIRRORLIAR FILMS. Until now, movies that have been just enjoyed as entertainment will surely change when you create them. I would be glad if you put the most important feeling of "I want to do it" and try it by all means.

―Shinsaibashi PARCO also organizes various events with challenging creators and shops, so I felt very familiar with it in terms of hooking up new talents.

Yamada: It's perfect if you tell me.

For the first time this time, we will exhibit ikebana made in Kyoto based on "MIRRORLIAR FILMS" in digital art. The expression is spreading more and more, and I don't know what will happen anymore.

―Finally, what would you like to do with PARCO?

Yamada: I thought about it a bit, but there was a human drama set in Village Vanguard before, but I thought it would be interesting to make something in PARCO. Personally, I think it would be interesting to make documentary works.
