ART&CULTURE / 2022.11.22

SEIJI MATSUMOTO EXHIBITION "Fun!" Interview with Seiji Matsumoto (3/3)

"SEIJI MATSUMOTO EXHIBITION 'Fun'!" Interview with Seiji Matsumoto

Are you happy? Are you crazy? Are you surprised? Sage Matsumoto is an artist known for the "Nice's ANDY" series with a slightly strange expression. At the exhibition "Fun!", which is currently being held in two spaces, SPACE 14 and SkiiMa Gallery in Shinsaibashi PARCO, not only simple and pop paintings, but also the first video work in a figure of about 1m. According to Mr. Matsumoto, it is "the culmination of the present time".

  • Interview & Text
    Yusuke Nakamura
  • Photo
    Yuji Iwai

―As a future development, for example, ANDY may change when drawn in Nagano?

Matsumoto: ANDY was born in the United States, so the background is strong, but I think it will change as I have more opportunities to draw in Japan. Is it up to my life? Actually, the taste is changing little by little. Characters have a lot of regulation, but I don't have to dare fix their own series, and I don't think it's necessary to apply too much brakes.

―Finally, this "Fun!" exhibition, regardless of men and women of all ages, seems to be able to enjoy various ways from the viewing angle.

Matsumoto: That's right. I would be happy if everyone could share the fun even if they didn't touch much art before.

―What do you think if Mr. Matsumoto watched this exhibition from the perspective of others?

Matsumoto: It's fun! Yeah. I don't think there are such exhibitions in such places, not museums or galleries. In the sense that you can see it with an easy feeling. Is it art? Is it an illustration? Is it a design? I would be glad if you could see it without thinking too much.

―Why isn't it categorized by yourself?

Matsumoto: There was a time when I was worried about thinking that art must be like this, but in the end I was able to switch my feelings only by drawing and displaying what I thought was good. That's why you can think of it, so I want you to enjoy this world view.

"SEIJI MATSUMOTO EXHIBITION" Fun "" is being held at SPACE14 on the 14th floor of Shinsaibashi PARCO until December 5 (Monday).
Why don't you gently touch the happiness of everyday life?
You can actually send the picture postcard that you give as a visit privilege. There is also a corner for writing postcards at the venue, so take this opportunity to send a message to your loved ones.

■Present campaign
Follow Shinsaibashi PARCO Official Twitter and post the target post on RT [Sage Matsumoto's signature "rat ANDY" tote bag "will be presented to 2 people by lottery!


Application period: November Wednesday, November 30, 2022 23:59

Click here for the tweets targeted for the campaign.



■Details of the exhibition

Sage Matsumoto depicts the motif as a charming character. His work as an artist has attracted a wide range of attention, from art to advertising and design. Matsumoto's representative works include the ANDY series of mouse established in the New York era, and the DOG & DUCK series, which began to be drawn from Nagano, and this exhibition will feature new works centered on those two series.


■Date: From November 18 (Fri) to December 5 (Mon), 2022

■Opening: Shinsaibashi PARCO 14F SPACE14

■Admission fee: 500 yen (tax included) ※Free for elementary school students and younger
※SkiiMa Gallery is free of admission

Click here for more information.


Sage Matsumoto


Born in Osaka in 1986. After graduating from Osaka University of Arts, he started his career as a designer, worked in Tokyo and New York, and now has an atelier at the foot of Nagano Prefecture. It mainly draws works with animal motifs. He expresses his world view in various fields across the boundaries of art, illustrations, and graphic design. He has participated in solo exhibitions and art events in cities such as Tokyo, New York, Los Angeles, and Seoul. He has been involved in various domestic and international projects such as New Balance, NIKE, UNIQLO, and The New York Times.