OTHER / 2024.05.15

The popular podcast program "OVER THE SUN" where Jane Sue & Mika Horii serve as personality. We will report a talk show featuring mutual aid members.︎(2/2)

The popular podcast program "OVER THE SUN" where Jane Sue & Mika Horii serve as personality. We will report a talk show featuring mutual aid members.︎

Jane Sue, a columnist / lyricist / radio personality, and Mika Horii, a free announcer / narrator. "Jane Sue and Mika Horii's" OVER THE SUN "", where two people serve as personalities, is a popular TBS radio podcast program that has attracted listeners with humor and wit-rich talks since it started in October 2020. The exhibition "OVER THE SUN PARK - Our Flowers Bloomed ~" was held at Shinsaibashi PARCO from March 30th (Sat) to April 15th (Mon). On Sunday, April 7 during the exhibition, a talk show will be held at SPACE14 on the 14th floor. In front of the "mutual assistance members (listers)" gathered, we had a powerful exchange that could only be heard here. This time, we will send you an interview with the report of the talk show that was very successful and the impressions of the event!

  • Edit&Text
    Yuka Muguruma
  • Photo
    Haruka Kuwana

After the talk show, the two people went to the 10th floor medical wellness mall "Welpa" (Welpa), which delivers a new wellness experience from medical care to beauty and daily self-care. We visited the "fermata store" (Fermerta Store) store where femtech products are lined up, and asked about impressions of the talk show.



(Left) fermata store, which handles femtech products. (Right) There is an essay by Sue and Horii on the bookshelf installed in the lounge space of "Welpa".


―First of all, thank you very much! How was today's talk show?


Su: It was very easy to talk because the customer's glue was very good and no matter what we say, the reaction came back. I had the image of Osaka as the city with the most comedy aesthetic eye in Japan, so I was worried that we could have our story laugh so much from the middle.


Horii: You'll usually see something more interesting. I really appreciate it.


―There was talk at the event, but if you meet a mutual aid member in the city, will you call out immediately?


Su: Some people talk without hesitation, and others refrain from saying, "I shouldn't talk now." But if you like me so much, you forget me and talk to me, so people around you may be reacted like "Who is that person who is talking?" (Laughs)




―This exhibition was realized with the voice of PARCO.


Su: I was very grateful. As I mentioned at the event, PARCO is really amazing because it embodies what we are saying like a sleeping word. I feel like I saw the bottom strength.


Horii: Of course I had a meeting, but I didn't explain it so kindly and politely. It was made every corner, and I thought, "Why did you understand?"


―Since you came to "Welpa", please tell us about self-labs. When there is something bad, is there a way to eliminate the moyamoya you practice?


Su: When you take things negatively, the cause is that you are weak or tired of yourself, who is the recipient. So, don't worry about falling asleep or being unable to sleep at night, go to sleep first. That's why I think about half of it. I'm tired when my mind is tired.


Horii: It's really important to sleep. In addition to that, I think I will be alone. Eat rice alone, go to a coffee shop alone, drive alone……。 Anyway, it shuts off various things and splashes into one space. I don't have much time to be alone, so I try to make it consciously.


Su: It's quite refreshing to walk just right. If you walk around the neighborhood of your house for about 30 minutes, you will feel like you sweat and breathe, and you will not have to be caught by a negative heart.




―By the way, which words are appropriate to express the relationship between the two?


Su: Yeah, I feel like a friend I made at work.


Horii: I wonder if they are moving forward in the same direction, encouraging each other.


Su: You're a comrade. It may be close to that feeling.


―Finally, what are the future prospects of "OVER THE SUN"?


Su: There is no particular goal, and if you continue to loosen it as it is, it is my hope.


Horii: I don't really remember what I talked about every time (laughs). I hope we can continue without changing.



"Very good smell," says Horii, who sprays a moisturizing item that can be used in the delicate zone on his hand.


"Mr. Horii used sanitary water absorbent shorts," said Mr. Horii, "I was stress-free and comfortable."





Welpa (wellpa)

A medical wellness mall located on the 10th floor of Shinsaibashi PARCO.

Make a medical mall into a place to take care of yourself.​
We will deliver new wellness experiences from medical care to beauty and daily self-care.






Jane Sue

Born in Tokyo in 1973. Columnist/lyricist/radio personality. In 2015, he won the Kodansha Essay Award for "You're always going to be a girl". In addition to TBS Radio's podcast program "OVER THE SUN", which was held this exhibition, he is also in charge of the main personality of "Jane Sue Life Dances" at the station. I love professional wrestling. 




Mika Horii

Born in Akita Prefecture in 1972. Free announcer/narrator. After working as a TBS announcer for 27 years, he left the company in 2022 and became a freelancer. He is in charge of narration for various programs and commercials, and the readings regularly are also popular. 



TBS podcast "Jane Sue and Mika Horii's" OVER THE SUN ""

A podcast show by Jane Sue and Mika Horii. Every Friday evening at 5:00 p.m.