FASHION / OTHER / 2021.08.23

Aina di End x Shinsaibashi PARCO | Fashion, youth and future (1/3)

Aina di End x Shinsaibashi PARCO | Fashion, youth and future

One day in July, Aina di End, who finished the 2DAYS live at Osaka Castle Hall and started shooting. Wearing the edgy AUTUMN STYLE delivered by Shinsaibashi PARCO, he showed an instinct and danceable performance in fashion shooting. Interviews with her about memories and fashion in Osaka, and the future. Please enjoy it with the ather cut.

  • Photo
    Yoshiaki Tsutsumino
  • Text & Edit
    Akihiro Maede
  • Model
  • Creative Direction
    caruta creative




―Thank you very much for your work today. How was your filming in Osaka?

Actually, it was my first time to shoot fashion in Osaka. I was looking forward to this filming very much, but the fun was many times more than I had imagined. I guess it was Osaka, and I wonder if there was something surrounded by the Osaka dialect. Also, I feel like I was able to meet my new self in every style. UNDERCOVER was an image that fans were wearing better, so I guess the day will come on my own! It was like that.


I like old clothes and new MIX style.

―What kind of fashion do you usually have?

You often wear used clothes. In the past, it was simply because it was cheap, but now I can manage to live, so I started incorporating new ones (laughs). I'm not particularly familiar with used clothes, but I talk to the clerk and enjoy intuitive encounters while referring to advice such as "This is from the 1960s, so it suits such fashion."
