FASHION / OTHER / 2021.08.23

Aina di End x Shinsaibashi PARCO | Fashion, youth and future (2/3)

Aina di End x Shinsaibashi PARCO | Fashion, youth and future

One day in July, Aina di End, who finished the 2DAYS live at Osaka Castle Hall and started shooting. Wearing the edgy AUTUMN STYLE delivered by Shinsaibashi PARCO, he showed an instinct and danceable performance in fashion shooting. Interviews with her about memories and fashion in Osaka, and the future. Please enjoy it with the ather cut.

  • Photo
    Yoshiaki Tsutsumino
  • Text & Edit
    Akihiro Maede
  • Model
  • Creative Direction
    caruta creative




―I'm living in Tokyo now, but what is the goodness of Osaka that I felt when I moved away?

I suddenly felt it, but people in Osaka are in a good sense. The taxi driver looks like a relative and usually says, "Hon, turn right here," and it's Honma that aunt gives candy. But when I went to Tokyo, I felt very lovely for that matter of course.…。 The reason I feel lonely without that is because I realized that Osaka's humanity and love depth is only unique.

Shinsaibashi is my youth.

―Did you often come to Shinsaibashi?

When I was a student, I was so surprised that I was talking with my friends, "Shinsaibashi is the garden!" I went to a dance school in Shinsaibashi every day, so at that time I devoted all my time to dance. That's why Shinsaibashi is my youth. I first stood on stage as a dancer, participated in the contest, and practiced in Shinsaibashi. The only thing I regret is that I didn't go to various shops. I was a person like "I wish I could dance" (laughs). It's not a reaction, but when I come to Osaka and have time, I often go around shops and used clothes shops I know.


