FASHION / OTHER / 2021.08.23

Aina di End x Shinsaibashi PARCO | Fashion, youth and future (3/3)

Aina di End x Shinsaibashi PARCO | Fashion, youth and future

One day in July, Aina di End, who finished the 2DAYS live at Osaka Castle Hall and started shooting. Wearing the edgy AUTUMN STYLE delivered by Shinsaibashi PARCO, he showed an instinct and danceable performance in fashion shooting. Interviews with her about memories and fashion in Osaka, and the future. Please enjoy it with the ather cut.

  • Photo
    Yoshiaki Tsutsumino
  • Text & Edit
    Akihiro Maede
  • Model
  • Creative Direction
    caruta creative




―What did you enjoy these days?

Yesterday's live performance was really fun. It was my first experience of Arena 2DAYS at Osaka Castle Hall, and honestly it was just barely like Men Tal. But when the live performance actually started, it was so fun that I could blow away like that. Customers who purchased tickets for this day gathered, and some of them were junior high school students. There is each life there, and it's hard due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but everyone is crazy about music. The moment when we can be united is amazing, and it's the most fun. And after all, I got an incredible power from the live show.


In Osaka, we will be able to shoot and live performances again.

―As an individual, please tell us your goals for the future as BiSH!

Until a few years ago, I couldn't think of having a 2DAYS live at Osaka Castle Hall and being able to shoot for the first time. I'm full of honest and happy now, but my personal goal is to grow more and more so that I can shoot and live in Osaka. As a BiSH, you should be on the stage of Tokyo Dome! This is the dream of all the members, so I want to make it happen in the near future. No, it will definitely come true!



Aina di end

Aina di end

Born in Osaka Prefecture. A member of BiSH, a punk band without musical instruments. He is one of the most notable present artists who listen to her natural hasky voice and emotional performances and attract viewers. In February 2021, he released his first solo album "THE END", which contains a total of 12 songs written by himself, and started his solo activities in earnest.