ART&CULTURE / 2020.10.30


The visuals of Michihiko Yanai and Koichi Kosugi (2/2)

The visuals of Michihiko Yanai and Koichi Kosugi.

Red and blue eggs, Sosuke Ikematsu and Comey hatched from eggs. During the months of COVID-19 pandemic spent by Michihiko Yanai, creative director in charge of open advertising for Shinsaibashi PARCO, and Koichi Kosugi, art director. He talked about what he thought, felt, and his thoughts in visuals.

About the visuals that Sosuke Ikematsu and Komai dance.

――What kind of thoughts did you put in the copy that "new days begin"?

: It is a time when you often hear words that you do not understand well, such as "a new lifestyle", from above, but instead, express your intention that "new days" is something that you make yourself. I wanted to do it. Rather than "a new PARCO suitable for a new way of life," it is a message that "we PARCO thinks is the newness we think with you." The question is that social distancing and the use of online is not just the way of newness, but there should be more other things and let's think together.
―In addition, Sachiko Ito (also working with Eiko Ishioka on the advertising visual for 1973 when Shibuya PARCO opened) is in charge of the costume design.
Sennai: I think Mr. Ito is a special person for Mr. Parco. This time, I asked Mr. Ito to show the visual of the "egg" made by Kosugi-kun, and then to make the art with no restrictions. It's a request to design a figure of two people born from that "egg".
Kosugi: I don't mean eating Mr. Ikematsu and Mr. Komai, but I think it was an exquisitely balanced costume that never loses the presence of the two. It was a mysterious costume that felt that it was completed for the first time when dropped into photos and videos than the real thing. Also, the blue used in the "egg" visual before the costume was made was more lush, but Mr. Ikematsu's costume made by Mr. Ito was slightly yellowish blue. For me, the color is very impressive. Colors that cannot be said in a word are not very suitable for the present era, but there was freshness that I had never seen before. The freshness is the starting point, and the visual of "eggs" has been modified.……I felt that this flow would lead to newness.
Sennai: When directing photos and videos, I always think about how the performers can create a lively place, but Mr. Ito's costume has also become a starting point in that sense. When art director Tsuguya Inoue shoots a musician, he made a pure white slope and just said he stood there. Then the musicians are likely to fall on a steep slope, so it's natural movements, expressions, and something starts there. I think the same thing happened at the shooting site this time. They were dressed in mysterious costumes that they had never seen before, and gradually disappeared. It was a big thing that turned on that switch, and eventually brought out the appearance of the famous actor Sosuke Ikematsu dancing. I think there was a magic that could do that in that costume.
――What did you feel when you saw the finished advertising visuals appearing in the world?
Kosugi: There were starting points in various places, and the process of establishing them in visuals and images while repeating transmission and feedback was very exciting and fun. As I personally get involved in the unit of team in the future, I wanted to value the ability to meet people with individuality and work together.
Sennai: "Palco-Fashionable, cutting-edge." I think that kind of image is of course important. However, from this advertising visual, not only the strong thoughts of Mr. Ikematsu and Mr. Komai, but also the thoughts of the world of the corona disaster that everyone feels, are ooze out, and I think it became a very human-smell advertisement not just for the sense. I also felt the visual of "eggs" where no people were visible, but it was Parco but it was somewhat muddy. But I think it's very important now.





Mr. Kosugi, Mr. Yanai;




Mr. Yanai

Michihiko Yanai

Directed numerous popular advertisements such as the tower record "NO MUSIC, NO LIFE." He has been working on Parco's advertising creatives for a long time, including "SPECIAL IN YOU." "Last Dance_" and "50th Anniversary Key Visual Commemorative Movie". Professor, Department of Design, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts.



Mr. Kosugi

Koichi Kosugi

Born in Kanagawa in 1980. Department of Visual Communication Design, Musashino Art University. After working at Hakuhodo Co., Ltd. in 2019, he established "onehappy" in 2019. Perform creative direction and art direction based on design thinking for the Blanding of companies and products. CI design, VI design, advertising design, space design, product design, editorial design, package design, web design, etc.