Overseas shipping service that delivers purchased products to your home overseas
We will deliver it overseas at the reception desk from 10:00 to 17:00.
This is a limited service for those who shop at Shinsaibashi PARCO. Please present your receipt.
・Reception desk : 1F Information Counter (10:00 to 17:00)
※Tax-free products can also be delivered.
※Fees vary depending on the "destination (country / region)" "size" and "weight". Please check here for details.
※Some products cannot be delivered by international delivery. Please check here for details.
※International shipping is subject to size and weight regulations. Items that exceed the rules cannot be delivered.
We accept overseas delivery
International Delivery Services
Limited to purchasers
Reception: From 10:00 to 17:00. @SHINSAIBASHI PARCO 1F Information Counter
Please show us your purchase receipt at Shinsaibashi Parco.
※Duty-free merchandise can also be delivered
※Fees vary depending on "destination (country/region)," "size," and "weight." Click here for details
※There are some goods that cannot be sent by international delivery,Click here for details
※International delivery has size/weight regulations, and cannot be delivered beyond the regulations
We will be able to receive our overseas
Consumption customers
Service hours and points: From 10:00 to 17:00, 1F
Based on the purchase of the contract.
※Dismissed product sales
※Based on the “destination (national/local area)”, “shaku”, “weight” cost meeting, and point understanding.
※Some products are unavailable, and the point is understood.
※International consignment scale/weight upper line regulations
해외 배송 받습니다.
구입하신 분 한정 서비스
접수: 10시부터 17시까지. 신사이바시 파르코 1F 인포메이션 카운터
신사이바시 PARCO의 구매 영수증을 제시하십시오.
・면세 판매한 상품도 배송 가능합니다.
・「송신처(국가/지역)」「사이즈」「무게」에 따라 요금이 다릅니다. 자세한 것은 이쪽
・국제 배송으로 보낼 수없는 상품이 있습니다. 자세한 것은 이쪽
・국제 배송은 사이즈/중량 규정이 있는, 규정을 넘은 것은 배송할 수 없습니다.