OTHER / 2023.01.13


"How to get along with changes in the body?" Special Report (1/3)

"How to get along with changes in the body?" Special report

On November 21, at the SkiiMa Lounge on the 4th floor of Shinsaibashi PARCO, a special talk event "How to get along with changes in body?" It was held.


At the event, guests Chiaki Ito (talent / singer), the mother of one child and also active as a model and solo artist, appeared.

Hiroko Nakamura (fermata Co., Ltd.) of fermata Co., Ltd., a wellness business centered on Femtech, is the moderator.

In addition, Dr. Masahiro Yoshida, director of "Ladies Clinic Santakurusuzashinsaibashi", also spoke as an advisor, and explained the mechanism of women's bodies in an easy-to-understand manner as a medical expert.

A talk session was held with the crowd gathered on women's worries and concerns, and the latest Femtech items.

  • Text
    Naoko Kuroda
  • Photo
    Kazuki Watanabe

Hiroko Nakamura (Nakamura): I would like to learn again what kind of changes are taking place in women's bodies throughout their lives. Mr. Yoshida, an obstetrician and gynecologist, please give me an explanation.


Masahiro Yoshida (Yoshida): One of the hormones that make femininity is "estrogen". These hormones make dynamic changes according to the growth and age of the body, but among the many hormones in the human body, hormones that change so much are very rare. The peak is said to be the sexual maturity period between the ages of 18 and 45, and the number gradually decreases. This hormone is a very important hormone that makes women's skin shiny, but it can also be bad. "Estrogen" comes from a part of the ovaries and is a hormone in the body from the moment she was born as a woman. It is gradually secreted from the time of puberty, and mechanisms such as encouraging ovulation work every month. Did you know that the ovaries are as small as your thumb?


Chiaki Ito (Hereinafter Ito): Oh? Is it so small?


Yoshida: That's right. It plays a role in bringing dramatic changes to the body, and other hormones are secreted from the ovaries, such as progesterone.


Ito: Looking at the graph, the hormonal values are changing with a large curve like a roller coaster. When I think that's happening in my body, I feel that the body of a woman is changing greatly depending on age.

Nakamura: This time, I would like to talk about the many worries, symptoms to be aware of, and how to deal with each woman's life stage, in three parts. First of all, about "physiology" that is common in puberty and mature. Mr. Ito also experienced menstruation, but do you have any problems?


Ito: Before menstruation, PMS (premenstrual syndrome) or emotional instability or frustration. When it comes to menstruation, my stomach is heavy on the first and second days, and sometimes I stop with pain. I don't know if it's good or bad, because there's a lot of bleeding. There's no pain, and I'm wondering if I can leave it as it is. I wonder if everyone has such a problem. It's hard to hear about menstruation problems.


Nakamura: How do you deal with problems during menstruation?


Ito: I want to eat sweets and fatty foods, but I try not to consume them as much as possible. I don't drink iced drinks to keep my body cool. Because I work in public, I return to my body for nothing, so I'm working with a positive attitude to do as much as I can.


Nakamura: As expected, professional! I had a habit of eating endless potato chips and chocolate during my period.…。


Ito: I understand! When I notice it, I eat a bag of potato chips (laughs). Too much endure can be stressful, so I try not to overdo it.


Nakamura: Is there any problem in the body about having something like a lump of blood during menstruation?


Yoshida: It's a question that I often get at medical examinations. Young people may be affected by the mass of blood during menstruation, such as the amount of menstrual blood, and the amount of menstrual blood decreases over age, so there is basically no major concern. Nevertheless, some uterine fibroids may be hidden, so if you are worried, please feel free to see a doctor.

Nakamura: Some of the customers said, "I'm in trouble because I have severe menstrual pain. I was advised to take a pill at the hospital, but I'm worried because I don't want to rely on the medicine."


Ito: I understand very much! It's very scary at first because it's something you put in your body. How will your body change if you take it for the first time? The bad thing comes to mind than the good thing.


Nakamura: Even though low-dose pills relieve menstrual pain, in Japan, side effects tend to be concerned and the image that "pils are not very good" tends to precede. When I was a student, my menstrual pain was so severe that I fell down, but I felt that my life had changed 180 degrees since I took a low dose pil.


Ito: I have taken pills since I gave birth. At first, I was worried that if I drink too much, it would be difficult to work, but when I actually took it, there was nothing wrong with it, and the PMS was a little stable. But I stopped taking it because it was a burden to receive prescriptions and take it at a fixed time.


Yoshida: Consultations at our hospital often hear problems related to menstrual pain. In addition to pills, there are improvements in lifestyle habits such as Chinese medicine and exercise therapy to deal with menstrual pain, but at present it is not easy to work immediately. Pil can significantly improve menstrual dyspnea. However, since the pill has good and bad points, I try to explain it properly when I prescribe it to a patient and understand it. The advantage is that if you are a student, it is important before taking the exam. In addition, taking pills is effective in important situations such as stage, plays, and travel. If you are concerned about side effects, there is also an ultra-low dose pill, but if you forget to drink it, you may cause irregular bleeding, so you have to consider the merits and demerits.


Nakamura: It's important to consult with your doctor properly according to your lifestyle. "I feel sick and irritated during my period. How can I reduce it?" Mr. Ito often works in front of the camera, such as dance performances, but how do you deal with it in such a case?


Ito: I will do my best, but I think it's almost impossible to control my emotions perfectly. That's why I don't blame myself. When I was in my twenties, I was blamed for myself, thinking that emotional instability and frustrated feelings were caused by my weakness and lack of responsibility. But that's going around and hurt yourself. I think it's an important point to think about yourself.


Nakamura: When you were working as a group, there were male members, so there were many difficult things?


Ito: At the beginning of the formation, I regretted that my worries about the woman's body were hard to say, and I was frustrated and thorny words. Even when I get used to the activity, I sometimes get hurt by the words that the male members cared about. There were times when it was difficult to balance your mind.


Nakamura: At that time, did you have any items you used to relax your feelings?


Ito: In order to control my emotions, I used to give backstage a favorite scent and ask male members for information to help me.


Nakamura: It's also important to share without hiding. Here are some recommended femtech items to relax your mood during menstruation. Some people may be concerned about the smell and steam during menstruation. In such a case, a mist item called "I will climb a persimmon tree tomorrow" is recommended. When spraying directly into the delicate zone of concern or replacing sanitary products, just putting it on toilet paper to refresh. By using these items, I think you can be able to control your feelings and feelings.


Ito: I wanted to know when I was in my twenties when I was performing live performances of such items. During the live performance, it was steamed with sweat, and sometimes it was covered during my period. At that time, I didn't have any knowledge, so I couldn't find any options. Now, we are in an era where you can choose such a femtech item, so I hope everyone will use it.

Nakamura: In addition, there are some femtech items such as water absorbent shorts and menstrual cups. The menstrual cup is said to be the third sanitary product, and recently it has become available in hot springs, pools, and baths. It can also be used when taking a bath with your child, so it is an item that many people want to use. "Welpa" also handles many brands, and you can actually try on the absorbent shorts. Have you ever used water absorbent shorts or menstrual cups?


Ito: I like to use water absorbent shorts. I've never leaked before, and I don't care about smells and steaming, so I don't use napkins. There are various shapes in shorts, so if you are interested, I would like you to try them in various ways. But I haven't used the menstruation cup yet. I actually see items and know that there are various brands, but I don't know which one suits me. How do you choose?


Nakamura: "fermata store in Welpa" is a question that is often asked by customers.


Ito: Maybe it's better to choose something that doesn't make you uncomfortable.


Nakamura: Menstrual cups have different hardness depending on the brand, so it is recommended to pick them up at the store. It is an item that can be used comfortably if you get used to it, but this is one of the options. It would be nice if you could choose when you want to use it, rather than forcibly using it.



Nakamura: Many women have problems with menstruation. From the perspective of obstetricians and gynecologists, are there any illnesses or symptoms that should be noted from puberty to maturity?


Yoshida: Even if you use a pill, sexually transmitted diseases cannot be prevented. Recently, there have been reports that syphilis reactions are increasing, especially among young women. In our hospital, when prescribing pills, etc., it is also explained that sexual intercourse without contraceptives may cause illness. Pills prevent pregnancy, but do not prevent sexually transmitted diseases. I feel that I have to spread more correct knowledge. In particular, even if syphilis is cured, positive reactions appear throughout life, such as during pregnancy and childbirth.


Ito: Do you mean you won't be completely cured?


Yoshida: It will be completely cured, but a positive reaction will remain. Syphilis is a disease that should be aware of if you are pregnant because there is a risk of mother-to-child transmission. In addition, once infected with herpes infection, the virus lurks in a place where nerves gather, such as the nervous system, so it often recurs when immunity drops. If a herpes infection occurs during childbirth, it can cause very serious problems to the fetus. It may be inevitable to get such a disease, but I want you to value self-management.


Nakamura: Cervical cancer has become a major problem recently.


Yoshida: Cervical cancer is becoming younger year by year. "HPV" and human papillomavirus are thought to be transmitted mainly by sexual contact or sexually transmitted diseases. Early detection and early treatment is an important disease, so I would like you to have regular medical examinations.