OTHER / 2024.05.31

"limerime and the history of menstruation and the future" will be held at Welpa Shinsaibashi on the 10th floor! We asked Sister Nagao and limerime Sudo about their enthusiasm and highlights.

On the 10th floor, at Welpa Shinsaibashi, "History of Physiology Followed by limerime and Future"

The exhibition "limerime and the History of Physiology" was held at Shibuya PARCO in March 2024 in conjunction with International Women's Day. Under the supervision of historian Hikaru Tanaka, an opportunity to think about "how physiology has been treated socially" and "social problems faced by menstruation", and not only women but also various people visited.


An exhibition that traces the history of menstruation will be held at Welpa in Shinsaibashi PARCO on May 28th. Prior to the event, we asked Yumi Nagao of the select boutique "Sister" who planned the event and Shion Sudo of the sanitary product brand "limerime" about their enthusiasm and highlights. . In the Osaka edition, a talk show with experts will be held. It should be a valuable opportunity to think about menstruation that I don't usually speak much. Please check it out!

  • Edit&Text
    Yuka Muguruma
  • Photo
    Noriko Uemura

Relationship between Sister x feminism and background of collaboration

―What kind of shop is Sister, where Mr. Nagao is the representative?


Nagao: It is a select boutique that opened in 2008 (currently only online shops). Since the opening of the store, we have basically operated only by women based on the concept of a shop for women. Since I became independent representatives six years ago, I have had many opportunities to feel the difficulty of living in society because I am a woman. I've been working as a shop for women so far, but when my rights were threatened, I realized that I was ignorant about women's rights and how to deal with harassment, and learned how I was superficial I was. Therefore, we wanted to learn about what "for women" means through dialogue with our customers, so we started the event in 2019 in conjunction with International Women's Day on March 8.


―What is the difficulty of living in society?


Nagao: Rather than having a decisive event, it's closer to daily accumulation. Harassment is happening in various places every day, and I have been reclamating or pretending not to notice, but it has been stocked and anger and doubtful emotions have overflowed. For Sister's anniversary, we have released anniversary goods every year, but we want to move to a day that focuses on women as a whole, not just celebrating the shop. By providing opportunities to think about gender equality through events, we decided to develop knowledge and thinking together with our customers.



―So far, Sister has collaborated with various companies and artists to raise gender issues, but what is the relationship with limerime, an organic sanitary product brand that we have teamed up this time?


Nagao: I met Mr. Sudo of limerime for the first time at an event of Mexican feminist artist Monica Meyer held at Shibuya PARCO two years ago. I started to deepen my friendship due to the common points of my private life, and I was together at this event.




The significance of holding an event in Welpa and the highlights of this time

―Please tell us the significance of jumping out of Shibuya, the base of Sister, and exhibiting at the Medical Wellness Mall Welpa on the 10th floor of Shinsaibashi PARCO.


Nagao: In Shibuya, you can sympathize with more people than you imagined. In Osaka, we decided to hold the event if there were people who could sympathize with our thoughts. I myself deeply sympathize with the concept of Welpa, which aims to create a comfortable life through regular prevention and treatment care. I am excited that exhibiting at this place, where women can easily use clinics, etc., will create dialogues from a different perspective than before.


―What kind of customers would you like to visit?


Nagao: Due to the nature of Welpa's space, I think that customers who are interested in self-care and gender equality will visit us. I'm still studying, and I feel that I need updates every day, so I'm looking forward to talking with those people.


Sudo: I think it is meaningful for everyone, not just women, to learn about the history of menstruation. Unraveling modern social issues has a considerable impact on the insufficiency of gender education during childhood. Of course, sexual education is also learned at school, but only sexual and reproductive parts are focused, and they are perceived as hate. I think it is essential to learn the underlying rights and communication, and then talk about the private zone and the structure of the body. We believe that knowing the history of physiology will allow us to return to the origins of sexual education and social issues.



―The space is different from the Shibuya edition held in the pop-up space on the first floor, so it seems that a deeper dialogue will be born. Then, please give me the highlights of this time.


Nagao: I had a relatively little trouble-free constitution, so I had no particular feelings about menstruation, so I chose and used products somehow. However, in the wake of encounters with limerime products, I learned about the history of menstruation and changes in social views, and my way of dealing with menstruation every month changed completely. I think it's an exhibition with fresh learning.


Sudo: It's hard to talk about menstruation, but each person has a lot of thoughts and questions. By having a place to talk and share it openly, I hope that even one of them will be a plus for visitors. "I can't talk about women's history without touching sanitary products." This is the word of Hikaru Tanaka, a historical sociologist who has written books such as "Social History of Physiological Products" (Tsunogawa Sophia Bunko) and supervised the exhibition. Women's success and social advancement were realized only by the creation of disposable sanitary products with functions and convenience. By knowing the transition, I think that we can unravel the gender consciousness hidden in society and connect it to a better future.



―The first talk show will also be held in the Osaka edition. What are you going to talk about?


Sudo: We are thinking about talks on three pillars, such as disposal of sanitary products, environmental issues, options for sanitary products, and menstrual education. In addition to me and Yumi, Professor Eiri Sugita of Osaka University and Professor Kazuko Okuni of Nihon Fukushi University, who have long been researching and supporting menstrual problems in developing countries, will be on the stage. limerime's production started with discussions with Dr. Sugita to solve social issues related to menstruation through the development of sanitary products. I think it is very meaningful for a brand to be able to have a session in Osaka with a teacher who has helped me in various fields.



―Is there any difference from the Shibuya edition other than the talk show?


Sudo: In the Osaka edition, the exhibition will include not only the contents of the history of menstruation, but also the theme of "History and the Future". In terms of scale, it will be a little minimal, but I would like to deliver more content.


―Do you have any difficulties in producing the exhibits?


Sudo: In addition to Professor Tanaka's book, I had a hard time losing much information about the history of menstruation. Speaking of greed, I wanted to focus a little more on the personality of Yasuko Sakai, who made Anne napkin, the first disposable sanitary product in Japan. There are few sources of information, and it was quite difficult.




About self-care that the two usually practice

―Finally, please tell us about the self-care that you usually practice.


Nagao: Rather than thinking about what to do when you get sick, how to prevent it beforehand. We value the part that leads to the concept of Welpa, and regularly attend gynecology and dentists to ensure that physical maintenance is not required. When a disease was discovered before, I thought again what a healthy state means. Health is very important, but it's not necessarily "healthy," but I wonder if maintaining a comfortable state every day leads to health. My self-care is to incorporate herbs and herbal medicine into daily life, to ensure a moderate bathing and sleep time, and to live a comfortable and healthy life.


Sudo: My recommendation is mugwort steamed. Your body will be warm and you will feel refreshed. It is also attractive that you can make your head empty without thinking for 30 to 40 minutes of the treatment. I don't think it's easy to take time to rest my brain because I'm busy every day, so please take it in. The other is a natural sanitary product. Simply changing from petroleum-derived products such as synthetic fiber to natural products reduces the burden on the skin. In this exhibition, we will also sell limerime products made from plastic-free using bamboo fibers. By incorporating sanitary products that are both physically and environmentally friendly, the melancholy period will surely be comfortable!










The history of menstruation with the traveling exhibition "limerime and the future"

◼︎ Date: June 1 (Sat) - June 2 (Sun), 2024

     ※Exhibition only until Friday, June 28

■Business hours 10:00 - 20:00

◼︎ Place Shinsaibashi PARCO 10F Welpa


Click here for details.

Yumi Nagao

Director and buyer of select boutique "Sister". Select designer brands, vintages, miscellaneous goods and books from Japan and overseas. He has a deep knowledge of movies and art, and develops a variety of collaborations utilizing his wide range of knowledge and aesthetic eyes. In recent years, he has been actively involved in supporting women. 




Sudo Shion

Representative Director of VVVV, Inc. He was involved in marketing and Blanding work in multiple foreign apparels, and became independent after childbirth. We develop and operate products of "limerime", a sanitary brand that is friendly to both the body and the environment, using bamboo fiber as a surface material. 

