During the event

2022.10.27 -

[Important] Notice of alerting about impersonation of Shinsaibashi PARCO official SNS account


Currently, "fake accounts" impersonating Shinsaibashi PARCO's official SNS (Instagram Twitter) are occurring.

The fake account is very similar to the username and uses our logo, but it has nothing to do with it.


The official accounts of Shinsaibashi PARCO are as follows:

For account names other than those listed below, there is a possibility of spoofing accounts.


Official Twitter Account: @parco_shinsai

Official Instagram account: @parco_shinsaibashi_official

※Please check the number of followers, etc.

The fake accounts found have been reported to each operating company.

In the unlikely event that a suspicious DM is received, it will not be opened to prevent damage.
Please delete the DM itself and block the fake account.


There is a possibility that there will be an account that is very similar to our company in the future.

Please note that we cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss caused by spoofing accounts. 


※Please do not reply even if personal information is requested from a spoofing account. Also, do not access the URL described in the DM.

※Since the spoofing account has nothing to do with Shinsaibashi PARCO, please be careful not to push the following.

※If you are following, please unfollow and block.